All practical experience must be documented on the Affidavit of Experience form provided by the Board and completed by the electrical contractor supervising the work that was performed. Journeyman electricians cannot be a signatory authority for a company.
License by Examination
Experience Requirements (CHOOSE ONE)
*Please note that supervision hours will not be applied to the total number of hours to prevent double credit for work done alongside supervisees
Note: It is not possible to go from Apprentice or Residential Wireman to Master if you are using experience to qualify for the Master license
License by Endorsement
All License Types
The Colorado State Electrical Board adheres to the bylaws of the National Electrical Reciprocal Alliance (NERA). As such, Colorado has journeyman electrician reciprocal licensing agreements with the following states:
In accordance with NERA bylaws, applications for a Colorado journeyman reciprocal license are required to:
The Colorado Electrical Board will issue a certificate without written examination when an applicant for reciprocity has met the above requirements and paid the appropriate fees. Applicants will not be granted a reciprocal certificate where the certificate in the licensing state was granted by grandfathering without having passed a state-administered examination as stated above.
Colorado electricians applying for a reciprocal license in a participating state must contact that state for specific requirements and fees.
Electrical Contractor Registration Requirements
To perform electrical contracting in the State of Colorado, you must be a licensed Electrical Contractor registered with the State of Colorado:
For local requirements, contact the city and/or county government in the area in which you work.
First-time business owners may contact the Colorado Business Assistance Center at 303-592-5920.
For information on obtaining a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), visit the IRS website at
Communication from the Division: The Division of Professions and Occupations' primary communication is via email. Please be sure to include your current email address on your application to receive important information about your application status and process.
License Expiration Bump Period for New Applicants: All new applicants who are issued a license within 120 days of the upcoming renewal expiration date will be issued a license with the next expiration date.
License Renewal Information: All Electrician and Electrical Contractor licenses expire on September 30, 2023, and renew every three years. View your expiration date on your online account. Please note that renewals open approximately six weeks prior to the expiration date.