NOTE: If you do not have a current email on file in the new software TMU, call DHSS 573-526-5686 or Headmaster 800-393-8664, and we can help you get started.
**Schedule your test site 14 days in advance to help guarantee the date and location in need.
Submit this completed test request form to the Headmaster at least 14 days prior to the testing event.
The certified nurse assistant (CNA) training program is required by the Omnibus Nursing Home Act and Section 198.082, RSMo, 1994.
The CNA training program prepares individuals for employment in a long-term care facility. The program teaches skills in resident care under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse.
The state approved course requires the individual to complete 75 hours of classroom training, 100 hours of on-the-job training and successfully complete a two part final examination. The two part final examination includes a written (or oral) and practicum examination. Some of the topics covered include: basic nursing skills; fire safety; disaster training; resident safety and rights; and social and psychological problems of residents and the methods of caring for the mentally confused residents, such as those with Alzheimer's disease.
If you meet the CNA challenge requirements, you may take just the CNA exam (written and practicum), without taking the CNA course. Please remember this means you will only have one chance to pass the exam. If you fail the challenge exam, you will be required to complete the full CNA course and exam successfully to become a CNA in Missouri.
If you are currently certified in another state and in good standing, you can apply for reciprocity with Missouri. Once your application has been approved, you may log into TMU and print off your Missouri CNA certificate.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Health Education Unit
PO Box 570
Jefferson City MO 65102
HEU Call Center Hours
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
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