Many hearings are being held remotely, not in person.
Your hearing notice will indicate the location of the hearing.
If you need an Accommodation, please fill out and file the Request for Accommodation form included with your Hearing Notice.
Remote Proceedings: If your case has been scheduled for a remote hearing, it will be held by WebEx. Please carefully review the instructions sent with your hearing notice. You can participate in WebEx hearings by computer or phone, and you do not need a camera. Click here for WebEx FAQs.
In Person Proceedings:  If your hearing notice states that the hearing will be held at the OAH Hunt Valley building (11101 Gilroy Road), the Rockville building (40 West Gude Drive), or the Salisbury building (201 Baptist Street), the hearing will be held in person unless an Administrative Law Judge orders otherwise.
If you want to request a change in the format of your hearing (from remote to in-person, or from in-person to remote), please click HERE for instructions on how to file a request.
To file a paper with the Office of Administrative Hearings,
please mail or hand deliver the paper to
Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings
You may also fax a paper to (410) 690-8863.
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