Join the millions, and allow FranklinCovey’s training to transform you. Learn to cultivate effectiveness, lead with excellence, and transform your team for breakthrough results.
National surveys* of thousands of employees disclosed that while many people work hard, they are worried about their lack of effectiveness. Survey results indicate: 1. Less than 50% of your team’s time is spent on the company’s most important objectives 2. Only 14% of employees feel they are contributing to company success 3. Less than half of your team know company’s goals * Results of xQ Surveys conducted by Harris Interactive The problems are not limited to one industry, one geographic location, one economic group or even one age group. They are common to all. Workers have too many assigned tasks and too many competing priorities. People can’t identify key goals and, therefore, can’t deliver excellent results. Individuals, even entire departments, lack open communication. Crises are often reacted to with fast, less-than-effective decisions. The good news is that changing ineffective behaviors to effective behaviors will benefit everyone in your organization. The 7 Habits ® can not only help you to better manage yourself, but learn to lead others and unleash team potential. Attend this powerful 2-day workshop and discover the same principles that have led the world’s foremost business leaders to the professional and business success they dreamed of.
Seminar Number: 02602
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